Dear NPS Community,
As the year wraps up, the Newfoundland Pony Society (NPS) is pleased to update you on our projects. We hope you will remember the Newfoundland Pony at this special time of year.
Heritage Park Update
The Newfoundland Pony Heritage Park & Pasture was open at Hopeall, Trinity Bay for its second season. Just about everyone who visited fell in love with Rhonda of Avalon (NPS #813) and her sweet foal. BTW, we understand that a possible name for the foal is Hunter Tobin’s Way. She’s extra special because her sire is the stallion who died tragically on the Tilton Barrens highway last year. His name was Dawson’s Bernie Frances (NPS #938), and this foal is his only offspring.
Close to 800 people visited the park, including children from the Boys and Girls Club of St. John’s who had a great day with the ponies. Two full-time staff, Charlotte Legge and Stephen Pitcher, as well as volunteers helped make it a great success with art days, farm days and interactive pony activities. We have made enhancements to the land and buildings, with more improvements in our future plans – and new programming. Funding for this project is possible with specific donations for the Heritage Park. If you would like to donate to this project, please contact us at, or you can donate via Canada Helps:
Love is in the air! Pony Registry reaches #1000
2023 saw a record number of 40 foals born, which is a change from the single digits of the pandemic. Breeding is the only way to ensure the preservation of this remarkable breed. We have the pony owners to thank for their dedication and personal expense in breeding them. We also reached the milestone of registering pony #1000. Who is Pony #1000? It’s Driftwood’s True North, owned by Dr. Jessica Boyd in Western Newfoundland. (You may recall she tragically lost her pony, Little Catalina, to overfeeding by visitors while her ponies were on pasture. We did a GoFundMe and with the funds raised, she was able to put up secure fencing and pay off her vet bills.) Back to the registry: we have registered over 800 ponies since DNA testing began in the late 1990’s. It’s a great milestone, though many are no longer living, so annual increases through new births is vital to saving the Newfoundland Pony.
Where to see Newfoundland Ponies?
Many people hit the road this summer and visited Newfoundland Ponies across the island. Tourists at the Auk Island Winery in Twillingate were greeted by two Newfoundland Pony ambassadors. The Change Islands Newfoundland Pony Sanctuary had a busy season, along with others including the Hobbs family’s petting farm in Bunyan’s Cove. At Cache Rapids Stable in Reidville just outside Deer Lake, Ruth and Kevin Story offered stunning wilderness rides into the Tablelands (Gros Morne National Park), and Newfoundland Ponies can be seen at the Devoe Ranch in the Codroy Valley and Dixie H Farm in the Goulds. Keep up the great work everyone. Our ponies are unique and it’s no wonder people will travel here to see them! It is long overdue that they are shown in the Province’s tourism ads alongside puffins, whales and icebergs.
Ponies at the NL Folk Festival
Did you happen to see Newfoundland Pony JamJam being led down the sidewalk this July on Rennies Mill Road in downtown St. John’s? After a 25-year absence, Newfoundland Ponies were back at the Newfoundland & Labrador Folk Festival this summer! To say they were a hit would be an understatement. Thanks to CAA Atlantic for sponsoring the cost of trailering the ponies, to Julie Vogt for her unwavering vision to make it happen, to JoJo Greeley (an outstanding volunteer) and to Pierce Brennan at Cadillac Construction for building the incredible corral. Our deep gratitude goes to pony owners who responded to our call to participate: Dominique Lavers and JamJam #632 and the Kean family and Belle #734. The Newfoundland Pony is a living part of our heritage; like our heritage houses, our music and culture. Please help us protect these wonderful animals so future generations can experience them.
Road Upgrade at Swansea Pasture
Did you know that NPS runs the Swansea Pasture in Victoria (by Carbonear) that’s open to ponies and equines for seasonal pasture? All species at risk are affected by habitat loss and the Newfoundland Pony is no exception. By making pastureland available, people who want to have Ponies, can afford to keep them. Thanks to Fred Parsons and Art Cole who ran the pasture this past summer (along with the upkeep of all the fencing) where 28 equines spent the season. The road into the pasture which was almost impassable, was fully repaired thanks to the Provincial Government so we expect to have many more ponies there next summer.
How to help?
Still looking for a gift for the animal lover in your life? A single membership to NPS is only $25 and is a great way to support the work that we do.
You can also donate to our projects via our CanadaHelps Page:
Donations are tax deductible.
We are always looking for volunteers. Feel free to drop us a line at!
Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a peaceful New Year!